* The goods picture spreads 1 up at least, the file size limits a 1 MB in, the limit jpg, gif, png, bmp of the picture format, the picture all of the suggestions are in 640*640 of in size .
Procure person's basic data
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Goods procure

TAIWAN HAI PING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD / E-Mail: shinsunhu@hotmail.com 瀏覽人次:2532591人
Company:No. 33, Kai Fa 6 Th Rd.,Rende Dise.,Tainan City, 717 ,Taiwan TEL: +886-6-2660246 Fax:+886-6-2660219
Factory:No. 33, Kai Fa 6 Th Rd.,Rende Dise.,Tainan City, 717 ,Taiwan TEL: +886-6-2660246 Fax:+886-6-2660219